How to turn Your Windows Laptop into WiFi Hotspot with and Without Software

How to turn Your Windows Laptop into WiFi hotspot:- Nowadays, most Laptops come with built-in hardware to connect the system with other networks or turn itself into a hotspot. Little do you know that you can also do this without installing additional software? An additional application is nothing but an extra amount of work and memory for your computer. So, here this guide on How to Turn Your Laptop into WiFi hotspot without any software is going to assist you with what you need.

Why Do you Need to turn Your Laptop into WiFi hotspot?

Generally, public places like airports, metro stations, railway platforms, or hotels allow one device to use their Wireless/ethernet network. In case you have some urgent task at hand to handle on your laptop, you’ll definitely go for it. However, if you want to check other mobile updates, you’ll need to have your computer turned into a hotspot to use the same network.

If your computer runs on Windows OS great, you have come absolutely at the right place. So, let’s start and stroll down the page to find out how to get the stuff done and dusted.

How to turn Your Laptop into WiFi hotspot

How to turn Your Laptop into WiFi hotspot without any software- Widows 7 (For Dell Series Laptops Only)

Follow the given instructions below to know how to turn a computer into a WiFi hotspot without using software and save your system memory. Ridding the third-party software also ensures safety from malwares and countermands all the possibilities of wasting system resources. These commands work effectively on a Dell Laptop running Windows XP to 8.1.

Step 1: Press Windows/Start Button and type Command Prompt or cmd in the search box.

Step 2: Now, Right Click the Command Prompt icon and select “Run as Administrator” on the context menu, using the admin rights.

Step 3: Once you have reached the black screen, type netsh wlan show drivers exactly as shown here without double quotes.

Note: This command will check whether your computer supports a hosted network or not.

If your laptop supports wifi sharing, the field “Hosted Network Supported” displays Yes. If not, download the corresponding driver to enable WiFi Sharing.

Step 4: Type “netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=yournetworkname key=yournetworkpassword” and hit enter to create hotspot.

Note: SSID refers to WIFI Hotspot Name, while key refers to the network password.

Step 5: Turn your WiFi switch/adapter on and type “netsh wlan start hostednetwork” to make your hotspot work.

Step 5: Go to Start/Windows button again and type “Network and Sharing Center/Network & Internet (Windows 7)” and Network Connections.

Step 6: Select Change Adapter Settings where you’ll see your network connections.

Step 7: Right Click on the Network connection you wish to connect with and go to Sharing Tab in Properties.

Step 8: Check the option “Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection.

Step 9: Finally, select the Hotspot you just created.

  • To turn the hotspot off: Type netsh wlan stop hostednetwork in the command.
  • To turn on the hotspot: Type netsh wlan start.
  • To turn off the hotspot: netsh wlan stop.

How to Create Hotspot shortcut on your laptop

  • Step 1: Go to desktop and right click>>New>>shortcut.
  • Step 2: Use this path to set the location of your shortcut “C:\Windows\System32\netsh.exe wlan start hostednetwork”.
  • Step 3: Click Next and Give a name to this shortcut.

Turn your laptop into hotspot without using software on Windows 10

Windows 10 gets regularly updated, so it’s pretty easier to get this done. Here is how to turn your laptop into a hotspot on any laptop without an Ethernet cable.

  • Step 1: Go to Search box displayed on the right of windows/start button.
  • Step 2: Type Control Panel and go to Netwrok & Internet>>Mobile Hotspot.
  • Step 3: Click the button down below the Mobile Hotspot section displaying “Share my internet connection with other devices”.
  • Step 4: After turning off the mobile hotspot, you can edit the settings like if you want Bluetooth or WiFi.

Note: To make your hotspot secure, you can add login credentials by clicking the edit button in the end.

These are some easiest of ways to turn your Laptop/PC into a hotspot without any third-party software. You can also choose an app to do it easily if you find it difficult to copy and paste the commands in the cmd console. But they have their limitations. How useful were these tips to you? Do let me know.